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Lottery compliance: why partnering with the right provider is key

Blog | Lottery management
November 1, 2023
Compliance - two people talking together

When it comes to rolling out fundraising lotteries within nonprofit organisations, questions around compliance are – quite rightly – always front of mind. In such a highly-regulated sector with a complex set of rules around everything from payment processing to allocating winners, the risk of stumbling over the finer details is very real.

While all external lottery managers will claim absolute compliance, the reality is that many do, in fact, get it wrong. For the nonprofits that rely on their lottery provider for robust systems and advice, the consequences can be devastating – resulting in a significant administration burden at best, and significant reputational damage at worst.

At StarVale, we have earned our reputation within the lottery sector for providing best-in-class compliance. We have had more than 25 years to perfect our approach across our technology, processes and procedures, and our flawless track record speaks for itself.

Read on to find out how we work with dozens of charities and nonprofits like yours to ensure their lotteries and raffles are compliant.

Hands-on, customised approach

Our lottery experts will work with your team to create customised policies and procedures specific to your organisation’s lottery or raffle. Whether it’s creating gambling policies, writing terms and conditions or developing responsible gambling guides, we will ensure every last compliance box is ticked.

We also provide regular compliance training for our clients to help them meet ongoing requirements and put their mind at ease. This ensures all the relevant staff completely understand the organisation’s overall obligations, as well as the specific elements of compliance that are relevant to their role.

Gambling Commission compliance

StarVale is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission’s Licence Conditions & Codes of Practice (LCCPs) and is fully compliant with the Gambling Commission’s Remote Gambling & Software Technical Standards (RGSTS) and Remote Testing & Audit Strategy (RTAS).

Our compliance-related services include:

  • Ensuring the Gambling Act 2005 and society lottery rules are adhered to
  • Submitting lottery licence applications to the Gambling Commission or local authority
  • Managing the 80/20 rule to ensure the expenses incurred in running each lottery draw do no not exceed 20% of total proceeds
  • Creating customised policies and procedures specific to your organisation
  • Creating and submitting the relevant documents including annual returns and complaints logs
  • Providing optional gambling training to clients and third party agencies.

PCI and BACS compliance

We treat our customers’ personal information and credit card details with the highest level of care. We are PCI Level 2 Compliant, and our cybersecurity infrastructure meets stringent industry-wide requirements, ensuring that payment card and cardholder data is protected.

To further ensure compliance, we offer cost-effective direct debit payment processing and origination services via our sister company, DDPay. This ensures our clients have access to cost-effective automated direct debit payment systems without any additional bank charges from our clients’ banks, as can often be the case. DDPay Ltd is a BACS-accredited facilities management provider sponsored by the NatWest Group.

Ready to experience best-in-class compliance? Get in touch for more information.

Gambling Commission The Lotteries Council bacs accredited facilities management provider Be Gamble Aware

StarVale, a subsidiary of Jumbo Interactive Limited, is a registered External Lottery Manager licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 3273.